Following our appeal for extra funds to provide educational equipment and support for King Jesus Charity Home, we are delighted to let you know that our target of £11,350 was reached and exceeded. Two weeks ago, 23 laptops were purchased and delivered to KJCH and a part-time educational supervisor, Nora, along with 2 members of staff, took on the role of teaching the children how to use them. The supervisor is also helping the children with their studies so that they can catch up with their peers at school. Here is a message from Nora:
“In the past, the children at King Jesus Charity Home had no-one to turn to with their homework and assignments. There were lessons taught in class that they did not fully understand, yet there was no-one to turn to for help. Unlike their classmates who have their family around them to assist (mummy, daddy, sister, brother), these children had no-one The serious students amongst them tried their luck at resolving assignments on their own, and the lazy ones simply kept their books closed in their bags until the next day.
With the advent of Corona virus, learning from home has become imperative. Like other schools, Mizpah Vine Ark School – the school the children at KJCH attend – has embarked on online schooling whereby lessons and assignments are forwarded online via the school platform.
The initiative the Ghanaian Children’s Trust has embarked on by providing laptops, a tutor and Internet connection for the home came at the right time, otherwise these children’s education would have been postponed until Covid-19 is over and, in this case, no-one actually knows exactly when that will be.
The children at KJCH are very happy; they now have a tutor at home, they are eager to use the laptops and they enjoy the internet because they have now realised that all the academic barriers they had before are now a thing of the past.
Just a few days ago, a girl in grade 8, by the name of Maa Abena, exclaimed happily in the local dialect, after a lecture on decimals, whole numbers and angles. She clapped her hands and said, “Oh, finally I am making progress! Now I am learning something!” I could not hide my joy. I felt very happy that I am taking part in this positive novelty in the home. Every morning, as soon as I arrive, they are all eager to see me.
I believe the initiative the Ghanaian Children’s Trust has taken is a good one, and it will pave the way for these children to materialise their dreams. Nora”
Thank you to everybody who contributed to our Education Project Appeal – as you can see, it was well worth the effort.